Movendo referências do Bookends para o Tinderbox
Esse script move as referências selecionadas no Bookends para o Tinderbox. A vantagem desse script com relação ao método tradicional (clicando e arrastando a referência do Bookends segurando ⌘⌥ para o Tinderbox) é que o script não ignora campos como “Tradutor”, “Editor”, “Bibkey” e “Short Title”. É importante observar que é preciso criar antes um prototype com esses campos no Tbx.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- Bcdav (2021-02-26-16-48)
tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
-- Get selected publication
set theRefs to selected publication items
set theRefsNo to count of theRefs
repeat with theRef in theRefs
-- Get properties of selected reference
set theType to type of theRef as text
set theID to id of theRef
set theAbstract to abstract of theRef
set theAuthors to authors of theRef
set theEditor to editors of theRef
set theTitle to title of theRef
set theAbstract to abstract of theRef
set thePublisher to publisher of theRef
set theLocation to location of theRef
set theVolume to volume of theRef
set theKeywords to keyword names of theRef
set theKeywords2 to keywords of theRef
set theDate2 to publication date string of theRef
set theURL2 to url of theRef
-- set theUUID to my replacetext(theURL2, "x-devonthink-item://", "")
set theISBN to isbn of theRef
set theDOI to doi of theRef
set theTranslator to user3 of theRef
set theBibkey to user1 of theRef
set thePages to pages of theRef
set theIssue to volume of theRef
set theNotes to notes of theRef
set theLanguage to language of theRef
set theAttachments to attachments of theRef
set theJournal to journal of theRef
set theShortTitle to short title of theRef
set theFormattedReference to format theRef using "ABNT.fmt"
-- set theShortTitle to format theRef using "Rename.fmt"
--set theNameRec to theAuthors & " " & theDate2 & " " & theTitle
if theType is "1" then set theType to "Artwork"
if theType is "2" then set theType to "Book"
if theType is "3" then set theType to "Book Chapter"
if theType is "4" then set theType to "Conference Proceedings"
if theType is "5" then set theType to "Dissertation"
if theType is "6" then set theType to "Edited Book"
if theType is "7" then set theType to "Editorial"
if theType is "8" then set theType to "In Press"
if theType is "9" then set theType to "Journal Article"
if theType is "10" then set theType to "Letter"
if theType is "11" then set theType to "Map"
if theType is "12" then set theType to "Newspaper Article"
if theType is "13" then set theType to "Patent"
if theType is "14" then set theType to "Personal communication"
if theType is "15" then set theType to "Review"
if theType is "16" then set theType to "Internet"
if theType is "17" then set theType to "Ed. Crítica"
if theType is "18" then set theType to "Trans Book"
if theType is "19" then set theType to "Ed. Crítica"
if theType is "20" then set theType to "Bekker"
if theType is "21" then set theType to ""
set {od, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ", "}
set theTags to keyword names of theRef
set theTags to (theTags as string)
end try
set theFormattedReference to format theRef using "ABNT.fmt"
tell application "Tinderbox 8"
tell front document
if not (exists) then error "No Tinderbox document open."
set newNote to make new note
tell newNote
set value of attribute "Prototype" to "Reference"
-- set value of attribute "Name" to "@" & theCitation
set value of attribute "Text" to theFormattedReference & linefeed & theAbstract & linefeed & theNotes
set value of attribute "Authors" to theAuthors
set value of attribute "Editor" to theEditor
set value of attribute "Translator" to theTranslator
set value of attribute "PublicationCity" to theLocation
set value of attribute "Publisher" to thePublisher
set value of attribute "PublicationYear" to theDate2
set value of attribute "Journal" to theJournal
set value of attribute "RefKeywords" to theTags
set value of attribute "URL" to "bookends://" & theID
set value of attribute "Abstract" to theAbstract
set value of attribute "BibTexKey" to theBibkey
set value of attribute "ReferenceShortTitle" to theShortTitle
set value of attribute "Type" to theType
set value of attribute "Language" to theLanguage
if theType is "Edited Book" then
set value of attribute "BookTitle" to theTitle
end if
if theType is "Ed. Crítica" then
set value of attribute "BookTitle" to theTitle
end if
if theType is "Trans Book" then
set value of attribute "BookTitle" to theTitle
end if
if theType is "Book" then
set value of attribute "BookTitle" to theTitle
end if
if theType is "Journal Article" then
set value of attribute "ArticleTitle" to theTitle
end if
if theType is "Book Chapter" then
set value of attribute "ArticleTitle" to theTitle
set value of attribute "BookTitle" to theVolume
end if
if theType is "Bekker" then
set value of attribute "ArticleTitle" to theTitle
set value of attribute "BookTitle" to theVolume
end if
set NoteURL to value of attribute "NoteURL"
end tell
end tell
end tell
set user8 of publication item id theID to NoteURL
end repeat
end tell
end tell